Empire 2
Empire 3
Empire 4
Empire 5
Empire 6
Empire 7
Empire 8
Empire 9
Empire 9

Another very popular range with collectors is the 'Tudor Cottage' range of tea and table ware. Available in many shapes and sizes and indeed colour variations, all these pieces are dated in the 1930's. To date we have never seen a cup in this pattern!  Do they exist?

If you are interested in the collecting of this superb pottery, why not get in touch with Frances for further details : e-mail    empire.pie@btinternet.com

A new addition to the collection is Ed. our second duck discovered. Ed needed a small repair but but he looks as good as new now. It is not known how many models exist.                

If you've had sad experiences bidding on the internet like we have in the past, take a look at Auction Tamer.